

Full papers (8 pages max.) must be submitted electronically as PDF files via The Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) by January 31, 2017



Manuscript Guidelines:

The manuscript should  be formatted according to the following Word or LaTeX templates: 

The papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. All accepted papers will be published in a Springer book, provided that at least one author has registred to IFToMM CK 2017.


Final submission:

Please, keep in mind the following points:

  1. Only submissions in PDF-format are admissible. The submission should already be formatted according to the Springer guidelines.
  2. The paper length must not exceed 8 pages.
  3. If your contribution is accepted, we will need the source file of your contribution.
  4. One author of each accepted contribution must:
    • register for the conference
    • pay the conference fee in due time, and
    • show herself/himself at the conference to present the paper.

  The Consent to Publish Form can be downloaded from the following link : Consent to Publish


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